Merry Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

I'm a few days late, but better late than never! At least I managed to post up what I was up to during Christmas day before the new year. I'm currently in the city of Taipei, so you'll have to forgive me for the tardiness. My first few days here were full of wandering and exploring and eating, so I got a little carried away. 

On Christmas, Daisy and I made plans to meet for supper. I mentioned previously that we both weren't heading home for the holidays (more sobs), but that wasn't going to bring us down. We linked arms and scurried our way to the most decadent feast, exchanged presents, and chatted away to our little hearts content. 

The first stop of the night was the part deli part restaurant  John Cook Deli Meats in Gangnam.

We were looking forward to some Christmas turkey, but wasn't on the menu that night. Our waiter insisted everything else was just as good and suggested we sample an appetizer and one of their roast favorites.

We went with their Jamon Iberico Cebo & Rucola salad (a winner)

and their best-selling Bayern Haxen, oven roasted pork legs with roots from the south of Germany. 

Our waiter patiently waited while we snapped about a hundred photos each, and then carved the chunk of meat right in front of us.

Melt-in-your-mouth smokey goodness...Perfectly indulgent for a night like Christmas.

As you can imagine, two tiny girls and couple of pig legs, we were absolutely stuffed by the end of the meal. But there's always room for dessert!

Daisy said she knew of this cozy cafe a couple of blocks over in Apgujeong Rodeo called Rabbit.

A cafe called Rabbit? I think carrot cake is in order!

Along with a slice of their Boston Banana Cake (got a sweet tooth? You'll go absolutely bananas over this) and a decaffeinated nightcap.

We spent a good few hours at Rabbit talking about pretty much everything from boys to our travels to our hopes and dreams and all the little intimate topics in between.  I've actually only come to know Daisy this semester. It was nice to sit down and really get to know each other :) Yay, new friends!

We bundled up as best we could and braved the cold once more, this time towards the other side of the city to Hongdae.

I had originally wanted to go to Mint, a hip lounge bar with the most amazing strawberry daiquiris, but I'd forgotten to slip my ID card to my purse that night :( and no matter how much I begged and pleaded...we weren't allowed in. So just a word of warning: Yes! They DO card in Korea, but only in certain more "upscale" joints.

But that wasn't going to get in the way of me and Daisy in our quest for a drink! So we just went down the alley to Bong-gu Beer for some munchins and off-the-tap beer.

By the end of it, I was so stuffed I could barely breathe, but what's Christmas if not a time to feast and be merry. I hope you all had a wonderful holidays surrounded by loved ones. If not that, then at least surrounded by good food. Cheers!

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