101 in 1001

Thursday, February 05, 2015

The Challenge: 
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days. 

I was inspired to start my own 101 in 1001 list after stumbling upon Mackenzie's blog. She's already on her second set! I love making lists (although I rarely ever complete them) and 1001 days, roughly 2.75 years, feels like ample enough time to complete at least half my goals. 
Start date: February 5, 2015
Midway mark: June 19, 2016
End date: November 2, 2017
1. Graduate from college (08/28/2015)
2. Make my own meals at home for a month
3. Visit my grandmother every weekend (for the time I have left in Seoul)    
    4. Have my graduation photos taken (04/28/2015 -- Check me out)
5. Learn Mandarin (03/02/2015)
6. Go back to New York (05/11 - 05/14)
7. Bring Captain with me to wherever I’m moving (Captain is safe and sound in the Philippines)
8. Vote
9. Read 30 new books (1. Lost Illusions - Honoré de Balzac, 2. Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy, 3. Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger, 4. The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho, 5. #GIRLBOSS - Sophia Amoruso, 6. Eat Pray Love - Elizabeth Gilbert, 7. Saga, 8. Daytripper, 9. Hush)
10. Reconnect with my cousins (I probably should've thought this one through. How will I know when I've accomplished this? 1. Went to Busan to see mom's side of the family, 2. Reconnected with my cousin who's about to get married, 3. Had dinner with my cousin in Seoul, 4. Don's wedding 5/15)
11. Get comfortable with driving (especially parking)
12. Become a morning person
13. Start a mason jar fund (1/1/2017)
14. Donate blood
15. Back up all important files and delete unimportant ones
16. Take my family out to dinner at a nice restaurant and pick up the bill (1/30/2017)
17. Declutter my closet
18. Foster a pet
19. Befriend my neighbors
20. Babysit
21. Create a donation box with my old clothes and books (03/25/2015 -- Donated my unused clothes to the Severance Hospital charity drive, 12/14/2015 -- Donated my old books to a local book drive, 1/10/2017 - Valentine's Day clothes drive)
22. Learn ten new recipes (1. Baked stuffed salmon 2. Coconut Chia Seed Pudding)
23. Get laser eye surgery (07/10/2015)
24. Renew my license (8/6/2016)
25. Learn how to play poker (02/28/2015 -- I'm not that good yet and we used Airheads for chips, but I think I got the basics down!)
26. Charity drive

Career / Money  
27. Land a part-time job (07/13/2015 -- tutoring kids English)
28. Land a real-time job (02/10/2016 -- Officially employed!)
29. Put 1/10 of my salary into savings from the first pay check
30. Learn about stocks and investing
31. Have a yard/garage sale
32. Start a savings fund
33. Write down all my expenses for three months
34. Get my headshot professionally taken
35. Don’t take a taxi for at least a month.
36. Put all loose change aside and deposit (07/21/2015 -- filled up my piggybank to the brim and ended up with over 80,000 won in change! Definitely doing this again.)
37. Spend $0 for a month (other than on bills and groceries)

Health & Wellness
38. Give up sweets for a month
39. Create a weekly meal plan
40. Attend a yoga class 
41. Undergo a juice cleanse
42. Take a self-defense class
43. Go swimming in a lap pool again (11/2015 at my brother's condo)
44. Meatless Mondays
45. Bring lunch to work/school every day for at least a month
46. Buy more workout clothes 
47. Follow through with at least one of Blogilates’ monthly calendar
48. Boxing 
49. Regularly take vitamin supplements for at least a month
50. Drink nothing but water for at least a month

51. Order the lobster dish
52. Eat at a fancy restaurant
53. Spend a day eating whatever you want (Read here)
54. Splurge on one pair of shoes
55. Go on a “staycation” (Busan!)
56. Get a massage
57. Wear red lipstick out for a day
58. Make smores

59. Go to Europe
60. Go skydiving
61. Help build a house for charity
62. Go camping in a tent and everything
63. Go skiing/snowboarding/surfing 
64. Leave how to dive 
65. Go on a hike
66. Swim with dolphins
67. Watch a live sports game (Suwon vs. Seoul -- spontaneous day out)
68. Go apple picking
69. Go on a ghost tour
70. Order exactly what the waiter recommends five times (1. Soi Yeonnam -- absolutely incredible)
71. Go cliff diving
72. Catch and cook my own dinner

73. Get my blog professionally designed
74. Make blogging friends 
75. Attend a blog meet-up
76. Upload a video every month
77. Post a new blog post everyday for a month
78. Email five bloggers I admire (1. Irina from irinatyt)
79. Attend a blogger event
80. Design a logo/header
81. Buy a domain
82. Host a giveaway
83. Guest write for a blog
84. Take street style photos at a fashion show

Just for kicks
85. Take a class in golfing
86. Host a dinner party
87. Create a collection of recipes I love 
88. Learn more about wine and find a favorite
89. Plan a surprise party for a friend
90. Go horseback riding
91. Go to a shooting range
92. Grow my own herbs (I had a pot of basil. But it died. At least I tried.)
93. Finish knitting a scarf
94. See a live show (Annie!)
95. Go on a trip with the whole family
96. Geocache
97. Ride a scooter/motorcycle/vespa
98. Buy flowers just because
99. Be a “yes woman”
100. Call a radio station
101. Finally, put 10,000 ($10, P500) into a pot every time I complete a task

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