Remembering January 2015

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Photos from my Instagram

Listened :: I was obsessed with all things alternative way back years ago, and this month I'm having a bit of a throwback month. I've been stuck on The Strokes' Spotify station and been spacing out to Arctic Monkeys, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and Kings of Leon. Can someone please put them back on the radio?

Read :: Lullabies by Lang Leav. I got my first taste of Lang Leav's poetry on Tumblr and they've always got me thinking, and judging by the number of notes they receive, they've touched a great deal of others, too. Her words are quiet and honest and unpretentious, like a fading whisper or a private thought. If you've read her work, you'll know exactly what I mean. I haven't finished it yet, but I'm in no rush. Each one is so beautiful, they should be treasured.

Ate :: Hands down, the yummiest thing I've had to eat this month was the gua bao from Lan Jia Gua Bao by National Taiwan University. It's a steamed bun stuffed with shredded lean pork meat and roughly chopped cilantro. I haven't had many pork buns in my life, but this particular one was seriously good! In second place is the eggplant parmigiana from The Wholesome Table in Manila, Philippines. It's an all-organic restaurant using only in-season produce. It was my first organic food experience and it was nothing short of amazing (and I don't even like eggplant!).

Played :: I was on a 13-day holiday to Taiwan recently, as you're all probably sick of reading about... Everything I did there counts as play. Whenever I go away to a different country or city, I always get such a high from being in a completely foreign environment. If I could have my way, I'd drop everything and just go and travel and eat the most amazing food and just take photos and write. Such a cliche! I've heard of airlines having special promos for around-the-world tickets. Wouldn't that be an absolute dream?

Loved :: Coming back home to the Philippines! Yup, I'm currently in warm and sunny Manila! After leaving Taiwan, I had a layover in Seoul before flying down south. I spent the first week recuperating, vegging out in front of the telly and meeting old high school friends. Now I'm interning at a PR firm, which means lots of errand running, event planning, note taking, and staring at the computer screen. I just can't seem to sit still for a second.

Thanks for sticking with me this month :) See you in February!

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