Sampaloc Lake, San Pablo

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Now that my holiday is over, it seems that my uploading spree has come to an end. Returning home to the Philippines for the break, you'd think I'd have tons to share with you, but to be honest, I've spent the last few weeks tied down to a desk at my internship. 

The thing about this internship is that it never seems to turn off. I'm always going over a project or at a photo shoot or answering emails. I feel like I'm a full-time employee, and in many ways, I kinda am, but that's a story for another day. Over the weekend, I finally found some time to escape.

San Pablo, Laguna. Also known as the City of Seven Lakes, it's one of the oldest citiy in the Philippines and just a few hours away by car from Manila.

There was only enough time to see Sampaloc Lake, but with a view like that, I'd say I was pretty pleased with just the one. By the way, whaddaya think of my hair? 

First things first: food. There were lots and lots of mini cantinas and sari-sari stores selling snacks from my childhood (Spicy Prawn Crackers are my jam!) I was told that San Pablo is famous for their grilled isaw so you know I had to try it.  

It's chicken itestines which you dip into spiced vinegar. More recently, they've been selling pork itestines too. It was....better than I expected. Chewy, but not bad. The vinegar definitely helped :) 

For 20 pesos, you can rent a rusty, old bike and peddle around the lake. I highly recommend that you do! It's not a long ride, just roughly three kilometers long. But way you'll really get to see Sampaloc Lake up close and personal.

It's a quick way to see how the lakeside San Pabloans spend their days. I saw a few who were out tending to their fishing nets...

And some were busy getting from one place to another...

Probably off to hang up the laundry,

Or to a scrimmage with the boys...

You'll probably see a couple of chickens and pigs and goats, too. Just don't get too close, cause goats have a tendancy to headbutt you if you do. Don't ask. 

I stopped midway at this tindahan for a drink. Pepsi in a bottle, you don't see that in the city anymore these days. The man of the house (pictured above) told me how the lake used to be really dirty and the whole area used to be really polluted. The city recently started a clean-up program to make San Pablo a real tourist destination. I hear they have some great hotsprings nearby, so that shouldn't be too hard. I'll most definitely be back for that one day!

The P20 you traded for the bike will only take you around the lake once, but I think it'd be well worth another P20 for a second round. For me, I had to bid adieu to this unexpected beaut. But before I left, I couldn't resist another childhood favorite...

Fish balls! 

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