Asheville School Banana

Friday, April 03, 2015

I'm trying to make good on that promise I made to knock out sweets until Easter. Progress report? It's not going too well... But let me explain! M was here last week for spring break (so please excuse the lack of posts), so I obviously couldn't say no to dessert after breakfast, lunch, and dinner when I had guests! And to be honest, I had a weird fainting spell a few days ago, and I think it's from the abrupt drop in my blood sugar. I didn't see a doctor or anything like that, but if that's what really went down, that should be a good gauger for how much candy I have on the regular. 

So to compensate for sweets during this Lenten season, I turned to fruits. More specifically bananas. With sugar and lemon! Also known as the Asheville School Banana! Asheville School? Wuzdat you ask? Well, most of you probably didn't know I attended boarding school for a little bit back in high school, huh? Anyway, they do bananas a little differently over there, and it's a total game changer.

All you need is a banana, a wedge of lemon, and some white sugar.

 You just cut up your banana however you want to. I sliced mine vertically cause I'm having them on top of some yogurt, but I think tradition says to cut the banana once horizontally with the peel on. 

Sprinkle desired amount of sugar onto the banana, then squeeze your lemon all across. The lemon juice will melt the sugar and coat the banana and you're left with a tart and tangy mid-afternoon delight. Super fast and super easy!

But because we're being good and opting out of refined sweeteners, I just drizzled honey onto some yogurt and topped it off with my cut up bananas and lemon. It's just alriiiiight with the honey... :) Let me know how you like it!

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