What Do You Want to Eat?

Saturday, June 06, 2015

Figuring out where to eat has always been a stressful for me even when I was kid. I remember dreading eating out because nobody knew what to eat. I'd be sitting in the backseat of the car and this is how how our conversations would usually go:
      "So, what do you want to eat?"
      "What about this?"
      "Yeah, not that.."

We'd end up driving around in circles with our bellies grumbling till we end up at the same Korean restaurant we always go to. The struggle is real. As you've probably gathered, I love trying out different restaurants, so I put in a lot of time in looking into where to go for some good eatings. Okay, there was no point to that little story, except to let you know that if we make plans to meet somewhere, you should know that I'll be coming prepared with around three to four options for lunch, drinks, and dessert. (is this what they call childhood trauma?)

Moving on! M was here! And for his first night in Seoul, I thought long and hard about where to take him. He's never been to place like this before where you drink makgeoli and eat jeon, so why not try it out here? Both Hongdae and Sinchon have a bunch of these places, but I heard the 닭도리탕 spicy chicken stew and 김치전 kimchijeon at 참새방앗간 Chamsebangatgan are especially good.

We were four in total, so we ordered a small portion of the 닭도리탕 spicy chicken stew and opted for 모듬전, which is an assortment of jeon, instead of just the kimchi kind.

And of course you can't leave out the makgeoli~~ Cheers!
(lol. john. -_- )


Here's what I learned about eating with both M and John: (sorry guys if you're reading) it's every man for himself. All the best ones were gone in under five minutes. I think I had a total of, like, three pieces... (cries)

There's fish, mushroom, spicy pepper, meatball, zucchini, crab meat.... The fish is my favorite, but it's a shame they only had three of those in the pile.

Whatever Korean food you're having, whenever you eat out of this kind of pot, ask for fried rice at the end always. You can order how many rice you want (they're usually just 2,000 won each) and they'll use the leftover sauce from the pot to make really yummy fried rice. Throw in some cheese if they have any, make sure to keep the fire on so that the bottom gets nice and burnt *_*

Chamsebangatgan 참새방앗간 
Seoul, Mapo-gu, Donggyo-dong, 164-7
서울시 마포구 동됴동 164-7
(02) 338-5359

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