Remembering May 2015

Friday, June 05, 2015

Photos from my Instagram

It's a crazy time right now, so please bear with me. I just got back from my LAST EVER CLASS OF COLLEGE (cue the fireworks) but I gotta say it was...a little anti-climatic (ok, maybe just a tiny firework). I'm now in reading week, getting ready for exams and stressing out about final papers. It's almost over, it's all almost over. Only 14 more days until I can say hasta la vista to academia.

Watched :: There's this drama that's been playing on TV lately called 식샤를 합시다 2 (Let's Eat) that I've been absolutely obsessed with. Yeah it's a story about love, like all other Korean dramas, but it's also about secrets and suspense and money and murder (at least from what I gathered so far), and most especially, about food. The close up food shots on the show are the definition of food porn. They describe it best on the show: 먹방의 파라다이스 -- food porn paradise. You can follow the series on

Read :: I read another classic this month! Again, it was for school, but I think this one's better than the last! Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. So tragic, so lovely. They don't make 'em like this anymore. 

Ate :: A couple of weeks ago, my friend Minkyung and I went out for Thai food. Yes, I finally went to Tuk Tuk Noodle Thai! It's not up on the blog yet because... I'm a terrible blogger... I promise I'll finish writing it up by the end of the week. In the meantime, have you seen my last post on the food trip I went on around Yeonnam-dong? Hands down, the best eat spot in the city. 

Played :: Surprise, surprise! M came to visit again! He just graduated and took some time to see me before starting his shiny new job in New York. Ain't he the sweetest? I think I just got a cavity. We did as we always do whenever he's here, which is absolutely nothing grand. Just lots of wandering around and hand holding and face stuffing (with food, you pervs). It was bit of an awkward time, because I was busy with end of term work, but I'm always happy to have him here.  

Bought :: After two years of contemplating, I finally got on the cushion compact bandwagon. Out of the dozens out there I picked Mamonde's Cover Powder Cushion. Review coming up, maybe?

Loved :: The weather. The days are breezy and the nights are chilly. Better take advantage before the summer humidity smacks us right in the face. 

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