Two Days, One Night in Busan

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Last week, I went down south to the seaside city of Busan with my friend Austin. It was such a spontaneous decision (which are my favorite) and we were determined to take advantage of what little we had left of the summer. Lots of people don't know this but Busan is actually my hometown! Unfortunately, the weather wasn't on our side when we visited and it rained 80% of the time. So! We stayed at the swanky Park Hyatt Hotel by Haeundae Marine City, which has the most amazing views and an impeccable wait staff. 

Not to mention their beds are definitely worth jumping on(to).

We quickly made ourselves comfortable and headed to the hotel Living Room for a three-course lunch. Starting at 38,000, it was a small luxury to indulge in.

I highly, highly recommend their steaks! I only managed to get a bite out of Austin's dish, and it just melted in my mouth.

But I was happy with my order of veal. My first time having it!

Hair ties: Ruining photos since 1993

And le pièce de résistance! Their dessert buffet.

The Living Room hosts course meals inclusive of their dessert buffet every day of the week until 2 pm. Their menu changes every month, so be on the look out on their website!

We couldn't leave Busan without having grilled shellfish. It is an absolute must! Austin recommended we go to Soomin Inae 수민이네, a place made famous for it. Get the complete platter and don't forget the soju. Did you know they have different brands for different regions of the country?

 We topped it off by getting comfy at the beach with a couple of canned beers from 7-Eleven. It's too bad the weather was so gloomy, but I left Busan feeling refreshed and I'm happy I got to get away even it was just for a little while. Wait, was that a part of my 101 in 1001? I have to go back and check now!

 Video blog on the trip coming up soon! Stay tuned!

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