It's Cold in Taiwan

Saturday, January 17, 2015

The number one thing I wasn't prepared for in Taiwan was just how cold it'd be. Having spent months and months in below freezing temperatures in Korea, Taipei's 18 degree lows didn't seem so scary. I was dreaming of sunnier climes and short shorts weather, but instead I was met with crazy strong winds and an unforgiving suitcase of clothes. 

But that's what hot soup is for. I got to try beef noodle soup on the last day of the year.

This is the spicy kind -- there's a clear broth version made with ginger that's supposedly more traditional. I tried it the following day, but I'm still on the fence on which one is better..

紅油抄手 Hong You Chao Shou
Wantons in chili oil. These were wrapped around shrimp and oysters.

You could say we were a little hungry. 

The rest of the day was filled with more wandering and more eating. Mostly perusing the many shopping malls around the city. I can't remember why, though, because we didn't buy anything that day, but roaming around "downtown" Taipei wasn't done aimlessly as it led us to a shop with another long queue: Ice Monster.

They're best known for their Mango Ice, which is what I had wanted, but they'd sold out in the morning! And we got there at around 2 pm! 

I hate having to settle, especially when it comes to dessert, but the coffee ice was very good. It came recommended by our waitress, and I think it did a lot more for me than the strawberry one. Strawberries are a little overrated.

I haven't even mentioned that it was New Years Eve on my fourth day in Taiwan! 

We didn't make any NYE dinner reservations, so we ended up stuffing our faces at the nearest 7-11. I've come to love Taiwanese 7-11. You'd think they'd be the same wherever you are in the world, but nope, the ones in Taiwan are on a whole different playing field. They got odeng fish cakes simmering on a hot pot, sausages grilling on rotation, congee, pork chop bentos, an entire wall dedicated to milk tea.. 

I'm going off on a tangent.. 

What I'm trying to say is that you can probably have a full meal at 7-11 for less than a 150 NT (or about US $4). Crazy right?! We had a quick dinner on the go, then headed over to Taipei 101 for the light show. I wore my white halter piece from Everlane (you know, the one I wore to the Columbia fashion show) with no cover-up (due to my poor packing choices) and had to steal M's blazer to keep warm. The only problem was that it was really, really cold that night. M was left jacketless (blame it on chivalry) while I was still shivering.

We headed over to Kelti Tower where a few of M's friends were hosting a get together and also promised the best view of 101. And, wow, the view really was something. As the clock itched its way towards midnight, everyone made their way towards the windows, but I wiggled my way to the balcony for a better photo. The firework show was amazing! I don't think I've seen one so well thought out. It made all the standing around well worth it.

As soon as I stepped outside, I thought I was going to get hypothermia or something. Glasses of champagne weren't really helping to up my body temperature. A couple of minutes was really all I could handle.

Don't make the same mistake I did -- bring lots and lots of layers!

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