Little Baja Itaewon

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Mexican food craze is everywhere in Seoul, but it's funny that none of the trending places are selling actual Mexican food. Instead, we're seeing fusion dishes with kimchi on everything. Yeah, I love Kor-Mex as much as the next guy, but sometimes you just crave a real taco. Then I found out about Little Baja, a project by two guys from LA located in Itaewon.

Minsu and I had already made lunch plans, and it just so happens that the taco cravings were creeping up on us. And for just 3 bucks a pop, they're a total steal!

I've never heard of octopus tacos before, I thought maybe they meant calamari? But it's actually something they threw together when creating the menu when they realized how much Koreans loved 쭈꾸미 (pan fried octopus). I was pumped and ready to order three of each.

But it just wasn't meant to be... They weren't selling tacos on Sunday and instead had a special pop-up kitchen with just one thing on the menu.

These jamon taquitos topped with avocado and the works  

I felt bad, partly because I promised Minsu some tacos, but mostly because I was really looking forward to some tacos. Hnggg, well they were only making 50 orders and at least we got to try out the pop-up menu.. Oh, remember how I said Minsu's been on 28 blind dates? He's finally found a girl he's smitten with and he told me allllll about her during lunch. Young love haha cute :) 

Anyway, back to the food. I was surprised by how full I got from just four taquitos. It definitely wasn't the easiest thing to eat, but the messier your hands get the better, right? The outer shells were crisp, everything was really fresh, and the jamon was soft and not at all chewy.

Make sure to check out Little Baja on Instagram to see when they're having their next pop-up kitchen! @LittleBajaSeoul

I could have left Little Baja at that, but I just couldn't let it go. I needed my tacos. Two days later came Tuesday, and that means... Taco Tuesday!!! And no I didn't make that up, it's a real thing. It's so real that Little Baja actually holds a special on their tacos every Tuesday: ₩5,000 for two fish tacos, ₩6,000 for two octopus, and ₩7,000 for two shrimp. So I scurried on over with my friend Kevin who's visiting from New York.

The house chef is a military brat who's traveled the world and made a name for himself back in LA serving Caribbean food. Now he's come to the motherland to try his luck shelling out seafood tacos. 

The verdict? If I were to rank them in order starting with the best, it'd be: octopus, fish, then shrimp. I don't know, something was a little off with the shrimp, almost like they didn't stick to the batter and crisp up as well as the other two. But it was Kevin's favorite, so maybe it's just me.

The corn tortillas were nice and toasty. The octopus/fish/shrimp were crunchy and topped with ample amounts of pico de gallo and shredded lettuce. I could've done without the mayo and would've added some fresh cilantro, but it was still really, really, really good. The closest thing I've had to real SoCal tacos in Korea.

I've been telling everyone who'll listen to me about Little Baja ever since last night. It's really good, guys. Don't be surprised if I'm there like every week (I'm serious). They've only been a few months since they first opened, so go before everyone else hears about 'em!

Little Baja 리틀바하
Seoul, Yongsan-gu, Itaewon-dong, 74-18
서울시 용산구 이태원동 74-18

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