Remembering Summer 2015

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Photos from my Instagram

I didn't leave Seoul this summer. I wanted to spend as much time as I could here before I left for wherever and just savor these last days before adulthood officially started. So what did I do? Well, I saw lots, ate lots, met new people. And I did my fair share of drinking... There are these new fruit-flavored sojus that came out in the recent months. My favorite is definitely the grapefruit from 참이술, the worst I'd say has gotta be peach from 처음처름... Regular soju is going to have to take a back seat from now on. I went bowling on my birthday, went to spontaneous midnight movie screenings where I always ended up falling asleep, watched a soccer game with a complete stranger, laid by the Hangang pool and didn't get tan at all, saw a live Indie show while sipping on watered down rum cokes, watched a ton of TV (never missed an episode of Show Me the Money!), went down to Busan for a night, partied in Itaewon and almost got locked out my house cause I couldn't remember the pin code to my door in my drunken state at the end of the night.. I said yes to everything and had the time of my life! My last play time, I suppose. I have the biggest smile on my face as I type this, and I'm actually starting to tear up a little bit cause being a kid is all I've ever known! Sending all my love to Taemin, Sunyup, Minkyeong, John, Sharon, and David for making my summer <3 Fingers crossed we'll see each other again real soon. To be honest, I'm hit with a tsunami of emotions whenever I think about the real world. I guess there's no where else to go but forward. 정신차리자!!! 

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