Bad Farmers Sinsa

Monday, September 07, 2015

Do you ever have those days when just the thought of another greasy burger makes you wanna hurl? Maybe that's me being a little over-dramatic, but what I'm saying is that what otherwise is fondly thought of as juicy and mouth watering, and there's nothing else in the world you'd rather eat, now just seems unappealing. When you need a break from all the grit and grease you've been shoveling in, that's when Bad Farmers come in. Known for their salad bowls and cold press juices, Bad Farmers and the entire salad scene has quickly gained popularity with the city youngings. And about time, too! 

Craving something crisp on an absolutely scorching day, Sharon and I popped in before Sunday service. In case you were wondering, I got the Mexican-inspired Guaca Green.

And look at the size of that thing! All their salads are served with a slice of bread and a side of their corn soup. If you've been to Sweetgreens in the US, Bad Farmers will feel very familiar to you. The portions are hefty enough to put away all your inhibitions that salads are rabbit food that won't fill you up.

Salads, they tell the best jokes. In other news, I really need to get a new top. This one has gotten way too much air time on here.

With prices starting at 11,500, I can't say it's the cheapest Sunday lunch I've ever had. It sucks when the healthy option also cuts a healthy portion out of your eating out budget, don'tchathink? Regardless, I'm glad the salad train has finally arrived in Seoul. There's another salad-centered restaurant not too far from here called March Rabbit. Maybe give that one a go as well when you get the chance? 

Bad Farmers 베드 파머스
서울특별시 강남구 신사동 523-21
523-21 Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
(02) 515-8400

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