Remembering February 2015

Monday, March 02, 2015

Photos from my Instagram

This rememberence is going to be different than my other ones. To be honest, I didn't read or watch or listen to anything particularly new or exciting this month, other than a few pages of Lord of the Rings and reruns of The Office. I've been working a 9-6 (that never seemed to end at 6 pm) at a PR agency so I haven't been able to do much of anything other than work. And I've learned so much despite the amount short time. Anyway, 

Listened :: I was lucky enough to be allowed to tag along to meetings at work. In the beginning, I mostly sat on the side and took down minutes. I didn't have much to say at first, so I listened. I listened to what my boss was saying, what the clients were saying, what my coworkers were saying. I read every email thread I was cc'd in, every file I was asked to print out, and every deck that was sent to me. I think it's important, especially in the field of PR, to hear not just what people say, but how people talk to each other. I learned so much from just observing and keeping my ears open. I guess it paid off cause over time, I was asked to go on meetings alone and to have things approved by myself and handle an entire photoshoot without supervision. It was very fulfilling work. All I had to do first was listen :)

Read :: Lots and lots and lots of newspapers. One daily task I was asked to do at my internship was to read each and every newspaper that came in in the morning to see if any of our clients were mentioned. It was tedious work and took up most of my mornings, but I have never been more informed in my life. 

Ate :: There's this guy at the office who has been getting take-out for lunch everyday and eating at his desk. I had no idea what it was but it smelled frikin' incredible, I had to tag along the next day to get myself some of that too. Somewhere around Dela Rosa and Rufino, I found myself at a food stand on a crowded street corner. Hands down, the BEST pork sisig EVER. I can't remember if the stand had any signage...but lemmetellya, the smell of fried pig bits and vinegar was probably enough to attract swarms of hungry people. It was greasy and looked far from appetizing, but it was life-changingly good (seriously) and soooo satisfying. And it was P50! C'MON!!!

Played :: I mentioned a photoshoot! I was in charge of managing one for a Dove campaign. It was probably the biggest project given to me to handle alone, and it was completely nervewracking. I contacted the girls, the hair, the make-up, the photographer. Made sure the catering, the videographer, the schedule, and the styling were all set. I checked and double-checked and stressed out like I was getting paid for my work (which I wasn't lol), and then come shoot day, everything fell into place. Everyone, including myself, was having a good time, and I felt sincerely proud of myself :) No better feeling than that. 

Loved :: On my last weekend in the Philippines, I put aside some time to do something other than work. It'd be such a shame to spend an entire month in the Philippines and not take some time to see the Philippines. I visited San Pablo in Laguna, and it was the perfect escape. The cell reception is absolutely terrible there. I wouldn't have been able to check my messages even if I wanted to! There, I rode a bike around the Sampaloc Lake. It was such a simple pleasure, but it was probably the most fun I had all month. It was then I realized that this is what I loved. Being outside and doing stuff and eating exotic food and feeling the sun on my face and just having fun.  

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