White Day

Saturday, March 21, 2015

03/14 is something we like to call White Day. Much like Valentine's Day, it's when guys shower their special lady with candy and other sweets. What' s the difference you ask? Well, here in Korea, on Feb 14th, it's the girls who spoil the guys! How's that for a change of pace? It worked out perfectly for me and M. He arrived from New York a few days before, the 14th was on a Saturday, and the weather had finally turn around for the better.

The plan was to head over to Han River Park and order jjajangmyun delivery to eat on the grass...but we ended up at Yeouido Park. It's because I lost my way and had no idea how to get there ^^;; I don't think he noticed though... But the good news is that they had bikes there, too!

If you look closely, you'll notice me tip-toeing. I wasn't tall enough #shortpeopleproblems
It wasn't easy balancing this bike for the picture #doitforthevineblog

It was my first time on one of these two-seater bikes. They're great cause...the front seater can't tell if the back seater doesn't pedal. Hey, I was busy taking pictures (and trying not to fall off)! But shhh don't tell M.

* I promise we don't try to match. It just happens *

Knowing us, we didn't want to do anything fancy. We just wanted to spend time together, so a little picnic and a bike ride was just right for us. But he did have a surprise in store...

:) That cheeseball

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