Hello Summer

Monday, June 29, 2015

Welcome to the good life, ladies and gents! It's officially summertime. It's still hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that I'm actually at that point when I've finished four years of college and I'm about to rush into that place they call the real world. But if there's one thing I hate, it's feeling rushed. So I'll be taking my sweet time, thank you very much. I have zero plans and I'm looking forward to doing absolutely nothing and everything that comes my way.

So what have I been up to these past few weeks? Well, for one thing I've been spending lots of time outdoors. Korean summers are ruthlessly humid but thankfully we're not there yet. It's sunny but still breezy, so I though what better than to go see a soccer match at the World Cup Stadium? Actually, it wasn't my idea at all and I only found out the day before that I was going. Brownie points for spontaneity.

It was the big one between Seoul FC and Suwon FC, but don't ask me anything about the game or the players cause I honestly don't know anything. I played a little bit back in high school (I wasn't very good...), but I've always preferred watching basketball. Soccer games are just way too slow. But a friend had an extra ticket and I haven't seen a live game in ages, so why not?

It was a tied game with no goals, and I was sweating buckets through my jeans by the end of it, but still the crowd was absolutely livid. I don't know, sometimes I feel like sports fans aren't really there to watch the match, but more to sing the songs and drink the beer. Or maybe that's the reason why I go...

It's still soccer season, so if you'd like to check out a game for yourself, click here to visit the stadium website.

World Cup Stadium 서울 월드컵경기장 
Seoul, Mapo-gu, World Cup-ro 240
서울 마포구 월드컵로 240 
(02) 2128-2002

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