Happy Birthday John

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

I love birthdays. I don't particularly look forward to my own, but I love celebrating other's. You all know John! He's been one of my closest friends in college since the very beginning. He just turned 24, so of course we had to eat something good. #birthdaysknownodiet

After wandering around Itaewon for a few minutes, we settled on Indian. For Indian, I'd head to Everest by Dongdaemun, just because of cost for quality, but in Itaewon, Agra seems to be the most popular. It's definitely fancier and pricier than anyone would like, but y'know... special occasions. 
Kevin came along too! It was his last day in Korea before flying back stateside, and then starting his new job. Sigh it seems like everyone's growing up... Oh, hey! We were all matching in grey that day!

Saag Paneer

Chicken Tikka Masala

Eating with boys means the food will be gone in minutes. There's never a "ladies first," just finder's keepers :( 

No birthday is complete without a slice of cake, so I herded everyone to Plant. I've been wanting to come here for ages, but I somehow manage to always visit when the store is closed... But now I'm a total expert when it comes to their work hours (open only till 8! and closed on Mondays!), haha. 

Plant is known for their all-vegan goodies and I've heard amazing things about their red velvet. Unfortunately, it wasn't up for sale that day. I would've gone for carrot cake next, but since we had a birthday boy in our presence, his choice of the hummingbird cake, made with pineapple, bananas, and coconut, vetoed over mine and Kevin's. 

Happy, happy, happy birthday John! You're a whole two years older than I am, but you're forever gonna be a kid to me <3

Agra 아그라
Seoul, Yongsan-gu, Itaewon-dong, 172-2
서울특별시 용산구 이태원동 172-2
(02) 797-7262

Plant 플랜트
Seoul, Yongsan-gu, Itaewon-dong, 63-15
서울특별시 용산구 이타원동 63-15

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