The Great Automated Ramen Machine

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

The other day, I plopped myself onto the couch and was ready to spend the rest of the night watching reruns of cooking shows. That's when Sandra sent me a text asking, "뭐해?? (What are you doing?)" I knew that was code for "come out let's do something!" We were both looking for a chill evening, so to the river we went! There were lots of couples (as per usual anywhere in the city), families, babies, dogs, and roadside singers. No matter what time of year or what time of day, Han River is filled with people, but who can blame them on a perfect summer night like this.

We put out a blanket and laid on a hill. Sandra read, while I turned on some tunes. We probably could have dozed off then and there. The gentle breeze was practically rocking us to sleep. But Captain was too busy making a ruckus checking out the lady Poodle nearby.

It was much past dinner time but suddenly...our stomachs started grumbling. It had gotten a bit chilly after the sun had set so I thought it was the perfect night for some cup ramen. Sandra perked up instantly when I said ramen. There was a funny look in her eyes, though...

What I thought would be a quick run to the nearest Ministop turned out to be about a 15 minute trek to a place I wasn't entirely sure existed, but Sandra insisted that it was "blog worthy" and trucked on.

 We didn't know if we were even going the right direction, and to be honest, I was getting a little cranky. It's a good thing Sandra's so great at being chipper. But just as I was getting into hanger territory, the dim light of a lone convenience store shone in the distance. What exactly were we looking for? Apparently, this.

What was better than cup noodles? Ramen made with this automated ramen making machine. The perfect amount of water at the perfect temperature for the perfect amount of time. I say, why don't they sell these to the masses?! This would change the lives of college students everywhere.

You go into the store and take your pick out of the dozen available ramens. Would you like an egg with that? How about a slice of cheese? Only 500 won extra. Upon paying the sales attendant will give you a little bowl made out of tin foil that fits perfectly in the machine. 

So let's get cracking! Pop out the ingredients into the foil bowl, press the button, watch the hot (mind your fingers!) water fall in, and wait for it to boil.

Keep an eye your ramen and give 'em a good swish around once in a while to separate the noodles. If you spill, make sure to clean up afterwards!

The only thing left to do is to dig in! Slurping is absolutely necessary. In fact, with instant ramen this good and a view like that, it'd be rude not to!

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