Fairy Light Roses at Dongdaemun Design Plaza

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Here's the second half to my last post! After months of pining and wishing, but never managing to get my butt off the couch long enough to actually head over, I finally got to see the LED flower display at Dongdaemun Design Plaza. They were supposed to put the display to rest sometime over the winter, but I guess due to popular demand and lucky for me, the buds are here to stay until February of 2016! 

I didn't make any plans to see it last week, and it was just by chance that Sunyup and I wandered over here after stuffing ourselves at Gwangjang Market. Funny where you end up when you follow your feet. 

DDP has been getting lots of press this past year. Seoul Fashion Week was held here back in March. So was the recent Chanel Seoul Cruise Show. It's the city's newest design hub, and it definitely looks the part. People say it looks like a space ship. But I think it just looks like the airport. 

When Sunyup and I first got there, the display was pretty unremarkable... While the roses were nice to look at, in the daylight, they were just a bunch of plastic flowers standing (mostly) upright in a grassy field. But I knew it would be sooo much more come sunset. Since that was about an hour away, we took to Doota department store right across the street to kill time and do a little window shopping.

I remember coming to Dongdaemun a ton with my grandpa when I was little. He could never sit still (I'm starting to see where I get it from), and always dragged me with him whenever he stepped out for some fresh air. Lemmetellya Dongdaemun definitely got a face lift in the last ten years. The buildings are taller and shinier, and it looks like a younger crowd's roaming these streets now. I took a mental note to come back to do some proper shopping.

After we scoured each floor of Doota and exclaimed sufficiently how cute everything was (sorry, no pics), it finally got dark. Through the mall's windows, we could already see the gentle glow of the flowers *_* 

We quickly headed over to the exhibition, practically skipping the entire way, half due to excitement and the other half because of the unusually brisk chill we were having that night. (Really strange weather we're having lately, don't you think?)

And just look how dreamy...

Now I'm not the only person in all of Seoul who hasn't seen it. #나도봤다
Like I said, the exhibit is up until next year February, so you really don't have any excuse not to see it! Oh, and best of all, it's free!

Dongdaemun Design Plaza 동대문디자인플라자(DDP) 
Seoul, Jung-gu, Eulji-ro 281 
서울시 중구 을지로 281

Closed on Mondays!

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  1. I did the Seoul Secret City Walk Tour of Oneday Korea (http://www.onedaykorea.com/tours/seoul-secret-city-walk-tour/) and they took us to the DDP ! I found this place amazing, the architecture is impressive ! And at night, it is so beautiful ! With the flowers led and everything ! I really liked this place~~

