Remembering April 2015

Friday, May 01, 2015

Photos from my Instagram

Happy Friday! Happy first of May! Thank God April is finally over and done with. It's been an absolute blur filled with too many late nights and too many projects. Here's what I loved this past month!

Watched :: I've discovered Korean Youtubers! My favorite so far is Wonder Wendy!

Read :: Lost Illusions by Honore de Balzac. Definitely old school, but still relevant. Tbh, I only read it as part of my comparative lit class, but I was surprised by how sucked into the story I got. To put it briefly, it's about a man's journey to success, but his poor circumstances (namely his lack of money and title) and serious naivety pull him towards disaster. I was so invested in the characters, I scoffed, I laughed, I got frustrated, I felt sad, and I even threw my book across the room this one time. If you're not offended by cynical writing, I highly recommend it!

Ate :: The soi spring rolls at Soi Yeonnam! Oh my goodness. I'm tempted to go back for more right now. In fact, I just might after I'm through with classes today ;)

Played :: Hmm, oh! I took Captain to the dog park by the World Cup Stadium! It was super cute :3 but I have a feeling Captain doesn't know how to play with other dogs... He just sniffs their butts and that's the end of it. I'll be writing a post soon once I go back and take more pictures!

Loved :: About a month ago, I took a risk and went online shopping. I call it a risk because I took to I've read lots of mixed reviews, mostly bad, about this site, but the prices were just too good to pass up. I ordered this hummingbird strappy number and a blue and white floral piece, and I am super happy. I'm actually kind of in love with both of them! I don't have enough dresses in my collection. The hummingbird dress fits just right in size small, but the was blue and white dress, which was only available in one size only (I thought it was odd, too), was only slightly too big around the waist. But it wasn't any trouble to get it altered. I ended up wearing it for my graduation pictures :) Hooray for bargain shopping! 

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